Web sarahlane.com
Because you're my friend and I care about you, I think this is something you might enjoy. Or this. Enjoy the full collection here. You're quite welcome. (oops, their bandwidth is tapped, but the videos are also up on YouTube).

Nov 25, 2007: Definitely not a policewoman, think of those scratchy polyester uniforms
I remember the last time I uttered the phrase "I want to do x when I grow up" (where x=something amazing). I was in my 20s and out of college, working in a job that fit within my broadcasting degree...

Nov 20, 2007: No Seriously, Message Boards Are Fun and Useful Places On Which To Share Knowledge and Information
Thanks, dooce. (Probably NSFW, unless of course you work at an internet startup)

Nov 20, 2007: Keywords Are Like a Box of Chocolate...
Sometimes when I've run out of other things to do, I comb through my Google Analytics stats. Which are consistently both eye-opening and confounding. For example, anyone who types in "sarah lane", "sara lane", "shara lane", and various forms of...

Nov 19, 2007: Not to Mention Newman-O's, Snack of the Gods
In an effort to pinpoint why I'm so itchy and low-energy lately, I'm embarking on a crusade against wheat. That's right, no wheat for two weeks, because according to what I've read on the internet, consuming wheat and skin allergies...

Nov 18, 2007: With My Head in the Clouds
Air travel is a drag these days, but nothing quite compares to the feeling of moving great distances while soaring high above humanity. I often miss my nomadic life.

Nov 16, 2007: Like Swiss Cheese
Which part of the brain is the one that stores all the memorized stuff like basic multiplication tables and the spelling of everyday words? Because I'm pretty sure mine is full of holes. Yesterday, I had to really, really think...

Nov 15, 2007: Buried Treasure
I recenly downloaded Miro, the free, open source video player, and am very happy with it so far. In fact, I think I'm going to transition over from iTunes completely, at least with video content. During the installation process, Miro...

Nov 14, 2007: Oh. Huh.
So I'm driving along the avenues as I often do, trying my best to hit the timed lights and minding my own business. The Clash – Should I Stay or Should I Go comes on the radio. I like this...

Nov 7, 2007: Adventures in Human Pincushioning
I've been interested in getting acupuncture for years, but was always either too broke, lazy, or... ok, either too broke or lazy to actually follow through and make an appointment. Now that I happen to live a stone's throw away...

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  • Hi, I'm Sarah Lane, and I've been posting a mishmash of stories, images, videos, and links here since 2003. Read more about me >>

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