Web sarahlane.com
"I wonder what Bruce Springsteen''s doing, right now." "Probably eating dinner with his family. I wonder what Mary Tyler Moore's doing, right now." "Sleeping. I wonder what the guy who played Gollum's doing, right now." "I wonder what Meredith Baxter...

Jun 21, 2007: Reality, Shattered
I always thought it was "the whole kitten caboodle". Until like five years ago. Eventually I read it as "kit and caboodle" somewhere, and loudly accused the author of being an idiot until someone set me straight. And even then...

Jun 7, 2007: Although I used to wear a tutu around the house when I was four
Dear Sarah Lane, My name is Jolie and I am 6 years old. Are you the ballet dancer from the Payless advertisement? If you are I would like to ask you some questions about you. Thank you, Jolie in Arizona...

Jun 2, 2007: Move More, Eat Less. What Else Do I Need to Know?
Earlier this week, my cell phone rang. I have severe phone phobia, which is the term I just made up to describe how I ignore my phone whenever it rings no matter who's calling, be it Ed McMahon or my...

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  • Hi, I'm Sarah Lane, and I've been posting a mishmash of stories, images, videos, and links here since 2003. Read more about me >>

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