Web sarahlane.com
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - I caught myself composing a mental grocery list during this incredibly long and convoluted movie. But you really can't blame me - Johnny Depp is barely even in it and that's the...

May 29, 2007: I won't leave until I've burned 500 calories, which is half as many as were in the burrito I ate for lunch
When it comes to exercise, I'm one of those people who prefers health clubs to the great outdoors. In my warped little mind, it feels more authentic to exercise this way. I mean come on, any psycho murderer can run...

May 24, 2007: Legitimate Questions, Part Two
I've been asking the following question for years, and have yet to be satisfied with a decent answer: At a major league baseball game, does the batter himself pick the particular song the stadium plays as he walks up to...

May 22, 2007: A Life-or-Death Game of iPod Shuffle
Sometimes when I feel you're not being attentive enough, I write stupid titles like that. To wake your ass up. This is a life-or-death blog! I'm lying, of course. But did it work? And sometimes when I've got nothing to...

May 20, 2007: Alphabetical Exceptions?
I'm not sure which side of the fence I'm on when it comes to country drop-down menus. I admit that I feel a tinge of relief and am slightly less inconvenienced when the United States gets placed at the top...

May 19, 2007: Priorities, Dilemmas
Penelope Trunk wrote a thought-provoking article a few months back called "The Difficult Convergence: Work and Family by Age 30" that really hit home for me. 30 was always a pivotal age anyway, but especially so now that I'm not...

May 18, 2007: Top 10 Things I Miss About Traveling (But Hated at the Time)
Brave New Traveler has just published an article of mine in which I describe the attitude shifts one must come to terms with after embracing a vagabond lifestyle: When you travel for more than a few months at a stretch,...

May 17, 2007: DNS, Subdomains, and Mapping, Oh My!
Several years ago, I started up this blog right around the time I acquired the domain of my own name. Back then, I had zero experience with the Domain Name System (DNS) and didn't really understand the difference between mapping...

May 14, 2007: Let's Never Buy Toilet Paper Again!
Got a cool tip from Leo's Jaiku feed today: Amazon Subscribe and Save. It works well for grocery items you find yourself regularly stocking up on, like vitamins, or baby diapers, or razors, or toilet paper - things you know...

May 11, 2007: Legitimate Questions, Part One
When a book sells enough copies to earn a place on the New York Times Best-Seller List, it's really on one of several different lists. The bestsellers are first categorized by type of book (children's books, business, advice, etc.), then...

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  • Hi, I'm Sarah Lane, and I've been posting a mishmash of stories, images, videos, and links here since 2003. Read more about me >>

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