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Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Chapter Musings

Well, this is it.. my last day at Attack of the Show! Even my desk is all packed up (except for all the crap I didn't want to pack up which is still sitting in a dusty pile for the next victim to inherit).

I've been getting a ton of questions about my depature from G4, my marriage, my world tour, stuff like that. So I thought I'd address a few of your FAQs here.

Q: I understand you're getting married, but why leave the show too? Why can't you have both?

A: Now that Brendan and I are officially growing up and beginning the rest of our lives together, our priorities are changing, too. Going on a world trip is an opportunity most people never have, so we consider ourselves part of a small, very lucky tribe. Obviously, when you go away for over a year, TV goes on without you. And that's ok. I'm proud to be choosing personal enrichment over a paycheck for a little while. Life's for livin!

Q: Where will you go?

A: We're going to be trekking through over 20 different countries. The first six months are already set in stone. We're planning out the second six as I type! When that's finalized, I'll post the details here.

Q: How will you keep in touch with your fans?

A: It starts here at "sarah. word." Which will be going through a facelift very soon, btw. I'm really stoked to experiment with a variety of media as a way to keep in touch with you, whether it be travel tales, photos, video, even podcasting. Some of this stuff will be completely new to me (I believe I've been quoted as saying I'd never start a podcast.. whoopsie), and some techniques will undoubtedly prove more successful than others. It'll be an ongoing project and learning experiment, and a challenge I'm thrilled to take on!

Q: Will you miss Kevin Pereira?

A: Yeah. Kevin is a good friend of mine. I really love that guy, and I thank him for being the best damn co-host ever. I also have no doubt he and I will keep in touch, so I refuse to say goodbye to him. :)

A special shout-out to the folks at AOTS and X-Play (gotta represent the OGs), and everyone in makeup, wardrobe, in the control room, and on the studio floor. These are the people who worked hard every day to make my job look easy. Thanks for the memories, amigos.

Anyway, Brendan's my last AOTS is just a couple hours away, so I better go eat some cake. I'm pretty sure the studio crew members have bets riding on whether or not I'm gonna cry. Tune in for all the fun!


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» sarah. word.: New Chapter Musings from Hypercubed Blog
First Kevin Rose left now Sarah Lane and Brendon Moran are leaving too. Sad times for Attack of the Show. Seriously Attack of the show is the only thing I watch on TV other then Battlestar (when it is running) and now my favorite co-host is leaving. ... [Read More]



I'll miss seeing you on tv


You will be missed Sarah.

Good luck, and best wishes to you and Brendan.



Best of luck, Sarah (and you too, Brendan). GO out there and have a blast! It's gonna be one hell of a trip, and yeah, you're lcuky to get to go on it.

I'll miss seeing ya on TV everyday (...almost ever day, haha), AOTS and G4 won't be the same without you. But I'm sure you're walking away from it all proud, and you should be. Look forward to hearing more from you!

Bunny Emerald

I'll leave the light on for ya, sweetie.

Jason A

Yes you will be missed Sarah


Good luck Sarah! I'll make sure to follow you on-line, but you will be missed from our TVs.

I keep beating the drum that you would make a great guest on TWiT, but if you do your own podcast (especially a video one) that would be great too.


After watching you on TSS, I always thought your talents were wasted on AOTS. The next 13+ months will give you the best experience there is - life experience. Congratulations on starting a new chapter in your life.


thank you Sarah!!! hope to see you back on tv after your honeymoon. best of luck to u.

Jason A

Wow 20 different countries in 13 months sounds exciting can't wait to read about it and watch it on this blog.

Chris M

Well, have fun Sarah and good luck with the new life that's in fornt of you. Gonna miss you hun.



Ok.Ok. Now I am sad. it is the last day at show. I am not crying, but feel sad. Best of luck Sara in your new life together.
"Sad granath Keejay"
(when you get to India, ask what that means *L*)

Tyler M

I never post on these but this is a special occasion.

Grats on the marriage and the founding of true love! What I wouldn't give for that and your nice trip around the world!


well sarah this is the last day, me loves you a lot

i wish you would have listened to me about wearing some purple and gold on the show :'(

represent the lakers, even though you dont like basketball

peace my sarah

oh ya by the way i named my car after you :P


You are my God.


Sarah i hope you come back
nobody could replace you
youve made and indent in our hearts


I think this is an AOTS that'll stay on the DVR for a long while...

And well; stay safe in your travels and don't forget about your fans.


Have a awesome time on that trip of yours, its my dream to travel the world one day too. Enjoy being married! I`m going to miss you being on AotS though, you had great style, lol!

Bon voyage!


You will be missed. I think you know the show is lost without you! Good luck on your journey. Don't drink the water...


I sure wasn't looking forward to this day I hate to see you go Sarah but I'm looking forward to seeing pics and the other cool stuff from your trip take care and be safe traveling.


we'll all miss you VERY much, and all that, yeah, yeah.

but, WHAT ABOUT THE CATS!?!?!?! you's gonna care for them!?!?! are they just an afterthought to you now!?!?! 'cause that would be DAMN cold!!!!


{DUDE} ... (sigh)


A 'final' comment, then, "NO FATE BUT WHAT WE MAKE" ... [:>


You're the Best Sarah!
Good luck to you and Brendan.
Can't wait to see the New Muse Review.


You will be missed, but whatever makes you most happy is most important, Sarah.


Good Luck, I hope life works out for you & stuff.


It's sad to see you go. But my best wishes to the two of you.


Great. Now who am I going to masterbate to after work.


You will be missed. Best wishes to you both and safe travels.


Hey, I usually don't post stuff like this, but you've (along with Kevin and Brendan) been one of the more refreshing personalities on TV.

I think of the three of you as my long lost sarcastic brothers and sister.

Its a sad day to break the three of you up, but I'm sure you and Brendan will have a great life together.

Have fun on your trip.

Well played.


So long, and thanks for all the fish.


goodbye sarah you will be greatly missed, good luck with you and brendan's marrage,AOTS will never be the same without you or brendan


I'm gonna miss you sarah you'r the only reason I watch AOTS, Good luck in your marriage I wish you many years of happiness.


You looked great tonight, Sarah. Have a blast. Bye.


Very sad to see you go, Sarah. Things just won't be the same at AOTS.

Enjoy your trip!


Congratulations, Sarah! AOTS just won't be the same without you or Brendan. I saw you choking up there in the end - so was I a little! Good luck with everything - you deserve only the best!


it's sad to see you and brenden go but I know y'all will move on to bigger and better things!


Sarah I wish you would stay but you're destined for greater things good luck to you and Brendan I truly thought that was an april fool's day prank man I wish it were true the new co-host will never beable to replace you I wish you and Brendan very much luck and I'm sure there'll always be a place on AOTS for you.


=,( I will miss your feed dearly.

Steve aka Captain Smee

I miss you two already. G4 will never be the same again, thank you both for all the memories. Can't wait to see the adventures you two get into. Best of luck in the future, as for AOTS you two will be missed, but we will always have Sarahlane.com.

So be sure to update often and let us know what's going on with our favorite cable television newlyweds. Thank you for the years of entertainment and it will never be the same without you two. Thank you Sarah, Thank you Brendan, you'll be missed, but never forgotten.


You'll both be missed. Contratulations, best wishes, and have fun! May the enrichment, joy, and fun last far, far, far longer than just the duration of your world voyage!


Woah, never saw it comin' that you would marry Brendan... I always thought it would be Kevin Rose ;P

Well, the show will never be the same without you now :(


Tis sad to see you and Brendan go, but everything good must come to an end. Good luck in all your future endavors ^_^


SARAH!!!! i hope u and brendon have a great marrige!!! :D whenever i'm whatching the aots podcasts i'll think of u...


OMIGOSH! I'm goin to miss you Sarah Lane. I watch you and kevin everyday. its a religious part of my life when i get back from work. i turn on the tv and i see you guys. it wont be the same anymore without u doin the gem of the internet or how u out do kevin in "it came from ebay". you make laugh and smile and mostly laugh. Good luck to u and brendan and have fun travelin and making ur mark on the world. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!


Sarah.... It's really going to be different without you on the show, to be honest I will really miss you. I was going through a really hard time in my life and you and the others on AOTS always lifted me up! I hope that you have a GREAT adventure!


Have fun on your new adventure guys. AND REMEMBER.... "It's all about the MOO"... it really is.


I justed wanted to say, Best Wishes; Best wishes to your marriage, your trip, and your future. AOTS WILL NOT THE BE SAME W/o YOU. The only reason why i even watch AOTS is because you make me laugh and smile each time. And the new girl isn't even all that hot.


Goodbye, Sara! I'll miss your witty banter and "loose cannon cop on the edge who doesn't play by the rules" brand of news dispensing, but if I had the opportunity you and Brendan do, you better believe I'd walk the world with the love of my life. Best wishes, and I'll try not to sigh and get too butt-hurt when you aren't there to whip K-Per into line.

PS- Now that I think of it, why not work something out where AotS can show highlights of your travel updates? I can't speak for the universe, but I'd love to see something like that on tv. Sure, there's the Travel channel, but my guess is that the opinions of two former AotS hosts are going to be a little closer to what I'd want to know about world trekking than what I'd find on some other network. Either way, I'll be checking back here regularly.

Good luck, have fun, and congratulations!


Congrats Sarah…. WOW, traveling around the world is Awesome, sharing that with someone special…well most of us can only imagine.

I’ll miss seeing you on the tube. You have bestowed a warmth in all that I have seen you do (weren’t you on Next Step??? You know I think they use the same theme song on ‘Discoveries this Week.’). Anyway…

Your plans are truly inspiring for all of us who find themselves at a cross roads and hunger for that ‘something else,’ a Shakabookoo if you will. I hope yours lands you on your feet, your head held high, and your hear soaring.


Sarah, so we now know the near future for you and Brendan -- the die has been cast. So what about the distant future? What plans do you have that might be of interest?

I am excited for you and the new life you will embark upon. I wish great fortune and good tidings. Enjoy your journey!

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