Web sarahlane.com
I haven't had much to say lately. Sorry! However, I do have a wealth of exceptional photos to share. Here is one that proves that I 1) love cats, and 2) was not a timid child.

Mar 20, 2005: Celluloid Lane: Sin City
My, my. Where do I begin? I've had unreasonably high hopes for "Sin City" ever since I watched that fabulous trailer. But it's not like graphic novels-turned-movies have impeccable track records on the big screen, so imagine my concern going...

Mar 18, 2005: No matter what you're doing right now...
...this is a better use of your time. If you don't agree with me, I'll have no choice but to consider you an axe murderer.

Mar 15, 2005: Make Google Play Nicer With Others
**UPDATE: Link fixed! Thanks guys!** Google is still my search engine of choice, especially now with so many new Google services. But that doesn't mean I've sworn off Yahoo and the other competitors... in fact, I'd rather they were all...

Mar 5, 2005: Imitation is the Sincerest Form of...
**UPDATE: Profile has been removed.** One of the least fun things about being "in the public eye" is that for some reason, people like to pretend to be you. Newest case in point: phony Sarah Lane MySpace profile Now to...

Mar 2, 2005: Sarah. Archived.
I begged... I pleaded... I won! From now on, my Damn Good Downloads, Damn Good Websites, and Gems of the Internet links will be archived on a single, easy-to-find page at thescreensavers.com. So if you saw me talking about it...

Mar 1, 2005: Ah yes, where was I...
You were all so sweet to email me with your concerns, after I didn't live-blog the Acadamy Awards on Sunday night. Well, a few of you anyway. I love that you expected me to! Here's my Oscar reality: I was...

About Me

  • Hi, I'm Sarah Lane, and I've been posting a mishmash of stories, images, videos, and links here since 2003. Read more about me >>

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