I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I spent a quiet evening at home with my mom. There was an empty chair next to us, though I felt his presence. I ate extra stuffing, just for him. Today was an...
Nov 23, 2004: Celluloid Lane: Finding Neverland
I'm a big Johnny Depp fan, so when "Finding Neverland" opened at a theater near my house, I was first in line. Depp plays James Barrie, a playwright who receives the inspiration for "Peter Pan" while spending time with a...
Nov 20, 2004: Happy Happy Joy Joy
No, I have nothing new to report about The Screen Savers. Yes, I'm sorry. No, I still can't tell you. Yes, it will be different. No, it's not the end of the world. Yes, I still like chocolate. No, I...
Nov 11, 2004: Tales from Olympic Boulevard