Web sarahlane.com
I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I spent a quiet evening at home with my mom. There was an empty chair next to us, though I felt his presence. I ate extra stuffing, just for him. Today was an...

Nov 23, 2004: Celluloid Lane: Finding Neverland
I'm a big Johnny Depp fan, so when "Finding Neverland" opened at a theater near my house, I was first in line. Depp plays James Barrie, a playwright who receives the inspiration for "Peter Pan" while spending time with a...

Nov 20, 2004: Happy Happy Joy Joy
No, I have nothing new to report about The Screen Savers. Yes, I'm sorry. No, I still can't tell you. Yes, it will be different. No, it's not the end of the world. Yes, I still like chocolate. No, I...

Nov 11, 2004: Tales from Olympic Boulevard
Those of you who watch me on G4TechTV will notice some TSS reruns for the next few days. We're busy regrouping, reorganizing, and relaunching, folks. Today we lost some great, great people in the latest phase of our ongoing evolution....

Nov 1, 2004: Props
Want to know what college kids are up to these days? I'm impressed!

About Me

  • Hi, I'm Sarah Lane, and I've been posting a mishmash of stories, images, videos, and links here since 2003. Read more about me >>

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