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Friday, December 05, 2003

Bye Bye Trolls

Yesterday I turned off anonymous comments on my moblog (Enter My Picture Box) in an effort to keep the leeches at bay. Now you need to be logged into TextAmerica to leave a comment on any of my gorgeous, creative, and artsy pics and movie clips. Been working great so far! Nobody wants to talk shiiiat when they're out in the open, but am I at all surprised? Of course not.

Rumor has it TA is going to adopt this setting across the board for all moblogs soon. It's time to take out the trash. However, I hope my added security won't deter all you moblog buddies from continuing to offer your witty comments as you always have in the past. You know who you are. Just login and go to town. Kisses, kisses, many airborne kisses....

PS- Lots more video clips coming soon!

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Kashif Khan

i think it has already been adopted for all users ????


Sounds good Sarah! Great Videos so far!

Hyper Smiley

Excellent job Sarah! It's been abused lately. I would've done the same thing. Isn't funny how people like that hide like cowards? ;) Stay cool!


Great to hear. Those jagoffs nearly ruined C4t's site. If push comes to shove, you can just use Kevin's power of the Dark site to give them the old DOS attack.


Sadly, I think those jerks *have* ruined Cat's moblog. Go to just about any photo and you'll get rude, hurtful comments about her and Morgan (exactly what the f*** has Morgan done to engender such hatred - turn off the comments so she doesn't have to put up with the likes of them??).

It really sucks. It's one thing not to like somebody. We can't all agree. But isn't there enough cruelty in the world already????


I couldn't agree with you more Lee. I was so psyched when I learned about Sarah's site and the Moblog. It didn't take long for my joy to dissipate after reading all of the disgusting comments left by jerks that have nothing better to do than attack Sarah, Cat, Morgan, Jessica and Kevin. These are all talented people that have an opportunity to share a little of their lives with us. Instead of being glad for their contributions, I guess many people are jealous and decide that verbal abuse and gross innuendo is their only revenge against the inadequacy they feel in their tiny, lonely world. Haters be gone! There is plenty of room out there for you to play...so pick on someone else.


I don't understand the point to which people take to make others feel like shit(ake mushrooms) -- if you're not willing to own up to your comments, then don't make it. If you feel you have to talk shit(zu dogs) then you should be brave enough to deal with leaving your identity.

Sarah, great move on your part -- love hearing from yah, love seeing you post/update your blog, enjoy watching ya on the show.

For the rest of you anonymous posters talking crap, bugger off.


I saw a werewolf with a chinese menu in his hand, walking through the streets of soho in the rain. He was looking for a place called Le Hong Fuk, going to get a big dish of beef chow mein


I felt so bad for you to have to read some of those comments. I hope people will be more respectful when commenting in the future.


Personally, I'm not a big poster, I'm more of a reader. But I'm glad you took a stand. It's your moblog and you should have creative control and if people are harrassing you or other members you have a right to limit their ability to comment. Free speech is great but blogging isn't just some "free for all" it's a community building experience, and if someone seeks to harm your community you have every right to defend it. GFY! :)


Great job sarah. Rock on


Wonderful! Glad you added more security... I might post something now. Thanks


Thanks for your pictures , thoughts, and at times daily activities. Sharing those with your TSS fans is very generous of you. It's also nice to see the other side of a TV personality. I hope that any negative activity with your Blog will be accepted with a bittersweet attitude, and response. You may need only look around to those who personally, or professionally wish to remain anonymous! It behooves me, that people still feel the need to remain anonymous when they make statements, in a mean spirited way.

Yet I feel, and think TSS has supported anonymous postings in the past. The Internet is a group of anonymous people with screen names and no faces. This again is the bittersweet beast, that has given the multitude a voice to be heard. I support you in your feelings, but feel if you take this stance on anonymous postings, will only limit the truest of feedback that you would receive. Just because it's written and or spoken doesn't necessarily make it true.



have you sommited a s1n? funny commentaries...

thomas p

hey sarah, (sorry to go a little off topic.... umm.. good job with the comments)anyways, last weekend my friend and i went to Blowfish. it was awsome. like you, i'm not a big anime fan... but my friend is an ANIME FREAK, she recognized the anime on the big screen behind the sushi chefs imediately and filled me in on what was going on. she also walked around gawking at the cells on the walls. it was great.

oh... and the food was good too :-) thenks for the recomendation.


Ah yes, Anthony. Aaaaaaaaah-Ooooooooh Werewolves of London!


Hey Sarah, nice site. Linked over from Cat's blog and I see you update constantly. Sucks to hear that trolls have screwed it up for the rest of us but I can live with it. Where are these clips you speak of in this last entry?


We all know who the troll is.. the blonde midget!


Do you really think it's difficult to get a fake email address (and thus a fake textamerica account)? It takes about 10 seconds. Just ask the dark tipper. "out in the open" my ass.


heh. Welcome to the interweb!


Aside from the blender I really liked your wish list. every year its been a favorite segment. Last year Yoshi was tops. Let’s see if you can hold your position. I think I would have chose the Prius over the honda though the dash lights were awesome. Pretty colors…. Unless they’ve revamped it, it’s not really a true hybrid. Sumi compared it last year on one of her segments otherwise I wouldn’t know. the mileage is not that much better for either so that shouldn’t weigh that heavily. I think the breaks should charge the batteries however and it’s cool that Toyota’s model gets better mileage in the city. Blue tooth cell phone, in dash navigation, you should definitely check out both before plunking down any cash. I on the other hand am waiting for my clunker to die. Keep up the good work! Night vision goggles? Geek. Too pricey or I’d be in line too. do more mac stuff. I finally got an emac and haven’t a clue.


Nice theory about nobody wanting to talk trash in the open, but so far, I've got nothing but trash talk from random visitors. C'est lavie, cherie.


Hey, i just wanted to add that the security idea is good , but couldnt the "trolls" just make an account and start says "BS" to you again...? hmmmmmm my head hurts now...better go lay down and watch some more techtv re-runs ..by the way your hot.. i hope "saying your hot" is allowed : )



startin off with "yesterday" is not so good.


I think you are a hottie Sarah. and its a good thing you have kevin, who I'm sure can kick the ass of any punk would talk sh@t in your blog.


Hey Sarah

Great site! I really like u in TSS, u are as smart as u r cute... Keep up with the good work, like I said, this is my first visit here but not the last one ;)... btw, keep being cute.

Matthew Read

What is a troll?? :)


As if signing up for an account is a pain for the "trolls". If they really want to be mean, they could sign up in an instant. Judging by the lack of "trolls" lately, obviously you're not worth the hassle.


You are gorgeous. Mamacita! ;)


Sadly, I can't seem to login on ANY computer I encounter, so its no replys for me :(


Great job today on TSS. The Free and Cheap show. You two need a show of your own.

Very professional as well as fun and interesting. Keep up the great work!


sadf asfaf a


Very Good indead!

kool sonnerie

great content, keep up the good work


I dont watch must tv I must say, but yesterday I saw the screensavers and I have to say it is a decent show. A lot of nerds in the cast, but the women are impressive. I am glad to see after reading your bio (so to speak) that you aren't a nerd and understand the value of a post work cocktail.It annoys me when I see all I.T. types portrayed on TV as nerds. Keep up the good word sexy kitten....


Hemorrhoid Relief

I love the Screensavers. Where do they find all those nerdy AND hot women? If only I could be so lucky. Kev is one lucky guy, and I don't mean me (my name's Kevin too)! :)


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its great information site
that's I could tell for this long

Mr. Fucker

Well fuck and shit.

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