Web sarahlane.com
So I'm filling in on Call For Help today and one of our guests is highlighting some nifty gadgets for the kids for the new school year. Ah, how I remember the chaos that was "Back To School." Let's take...

Aug 22, 2003: 40 Oz. to Freedom
If it ain't broke, break it.

Aug 20, 2003: A little of everything.
For some reason working in television makes me watch less television. You'd think we'd all be a bunch of TV junkies, but I actually think most of us don't want to turn work back on when we get home. That...

Aug 15, 2003: It's the same, except that it isn't.
I've been to Europe a few times now, but this last trip was completely untreaded territory. And I really have nothing bad to say about the most excellent United Kingdom. Excellent company, excellent weather (Europe's going through a psycho heat...

Aug 10, 2003: There's No Place Like Home.
Don't let the title fool you- I really could have used another week or two. Man, do vacations rule! Kevin and I each took about 500 pictures- put 'em together and we've got a TON of frozen memories. And a...

Aug 2, 2003: Dublin. Word.
Ok, I'm in Dublin, in a little internet cafe above Grafton St (main shopping hub). Just used Burger King for the bathroom- the only reason I would ever enter BK inside or outside the States. Ireland is so great. Moving...

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  • Hi, I'm Sarah Lane, and I've been posting a mishmash of stories, images, videos, and links here since 2003. Read more about me >>

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