Web sarahlane.com
I've been loving my new Nikon 5400 digital beauty up and down the block in our first week together. Man, I don't know how I'll even get through all the features before I get to Europe! I'd go through all...

Jul 21, 2003: 3 days till blast off.
I can't believe I'm leaving for Europe in 3 days. I feel totally unprepared. So far I have my passport and my sleeping pills for the plane. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with planning a vacation and it sort of depresses...

Jul 14, 2003: Movies that don't completely suck.
I love film. Nothing makes me happier (or sadder) than a brilliant movie. That said, my favorites list is an eclectic one, and not without some conflicts. (I've left out all SW and LOTRs because of the obvious factor). 1....

Jul 11, 2003: Tales from the Cam Vault
Sarah was looking at a Playboy till Megan reminded her the cam was on: Sarah's first copy of Twin Peaks on DVD (sans pilot, *sniff*) Little Sarah liked the bottle. Big Sarah does too. Tonight we're raging at Pow! here...

Jul 10, 2003: popculturesquareddotcomdotorg
Random, fairly useless knowledge. I'm in heaven! Google Press Center: Zeitgeist

Jul 9, 2003: TSS. Live.
So as I mentioned during the top of TSS today, I'm blogging about everything going on behind the scenes on le Screen Savers, live, bit by bit. A block: Foo Foo has eaten all of my cookies. Justin's our first...

Jul 6, 2003: More Blog Options.
I really love you guys. Why? Because you send me neat ideas all day long. My favorite over this nice long weekend came from Phillip, who tipped me off to Zempt, yet another alternative way to update your MT blog...

Jul 3, 2003: I Love My New MT Icon!!
I feel smart. I wanted a button just like the new Blogger button on Google Toolbar 2.0, so I made one! Whee! I explain how to do it in this week's Blog Report. Give it a read, and then get...

Jul 1, 2003: Fun For the Whole Family.
So in the interest of keeping you all entertained, I'm forgoing my usual thoughtful, witty blog commentary for some fun Internet tasks. Mission #1: First person who figures out the URL to my Blogger.com test page and posts it in...

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