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January 07, 2007



Nice pictures! I am going to the carnival, but in Ensenada, Mexico, jaja, Good luck in Brazil.


That picture with barbed wire, lol. As a matter of fact, all those pictures are really good. The Taj Mahal is stunningly beautiful when you compare it to all this watts you guys just visited. It's so up kept and clean. Funny story, I telemarketer from India called me the other day, but I turned the tables on him. We had like a 30 minute conversation about India and things to see. I couldn't hold him for to long, as he seemed to insist I was not happy with my long distance service. Keep blogging, always keep blogging.



It is definitely beautiful! I hope to see it one day!


Wow - you are right, Sarah - it is absolutely beautiful. I guess I've never really taken the time to REALLY look at it before. It's just been the Taj Mahal, something I've always known about and seen on the Discovery and Travel Channels, but it really is stunning.


You're at the most beautiful man-made structure in all the friggin' world, and the husband zooms-in his camera to properly frame the real beauty that he sees in his viewfinder: Sarah Moran!!!

Smile Brendan!!

Uh, the building is gorgeous too. Ah India, are the two of you going to visit all the offshored US jobs over in Bangalore?


This photo: /out_artsy_eachother.jpg
is absolutely the best pic I think I've seen of you. I've been to 21 countries myself, but your adventure outdoes any of mine by a mile. Stay safe and happy.


I absolutely love those pics of the Taj Mahal. You have such an eye for photography. I'm jealous. :-) Hey, do you think you can visit one of those massive call centers companies have opened up over there? Is there anything more captivating than Hindus learning to talk like an American?


I agree with ^Dad. That is a spectacular picture. Take that picture, convert to B&W and throw it in a frame. It looks like Brendan out did ya!

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