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October 03, 2006


Text Pirate

Who doesn't have issues.

I laughed when I realized you were refering to your high school as a television series. We are all bit parts in someone elses play.

"White Teeth" sounds good. I'll go to the library and check that out.


Hi Sarah :-) Thanks for the update! Take care!



Thanx for the tips


You're the second person to recommend Under the Banner of Heaven. I'm definately going to pick it up.

Although you probably won't be able to get it on your trip, check out The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenberger. :c)


You should also read Krakauer's book about his doomed Everest expedition, Into Thin Air, excellent read....I am enjoying the blog, I envy you guys....


Hey Sarah, I'm glad to see you posting something else besides travel blogs.Plus I really like seeing what other people are reading and what they think about the books.Keep up the good work and have fun in your travels.


The travel channel has a section were you can submit your travel videos. It would be cool to see Sarah and Brendan's travels on tv. It would probly be similar to Global Trekker.


Great list Sarah and I'm loving your videos. Keep em coming.


...Like Global Trecker just infinately better. I would watch the Traveling Morans and even delete my Simpsons episodes from the DVR to make space for hurry up and get it on the air ((just don't let it be on that one channel, you know which one))


Books are good, I like books. Thanks for the list.



It would be alot better then Global Trekker! If I were Travel Channel I would be trying to purchase these podcast! Plus, Sarah has a built-in audience. Let's get this on tv Sarah!


Yay, book post! And Yay, Eggers! He has a tutoring program/pirate store here in SF! If you haven't read it yet, check out his novel, "You Shall know Our Velocity." It involves worldwide travel by optimistic young people, so yeah. I totally get the writing style love, and I have to admit that after reading an Eggers book my inner monologue sounds like him for about a week. So if you start narrating your life in your head as it happens in a vaguely meandering, postmodern style, lay off the Dave for a bit.


Hey Sarah, did you finish "The Sparrow"? I thought it was a pretty decent book. The scene in the book where the priest gets his "epiphany" is the only time I have ever actually stopped, put a book down and said "damn". Took me a few minutes to pick back up again. There is also a sequel, but i heard it wasn't that good.


Wow, your thinking patterns match mine... really.

I've ordered that Eggers book. I love discovering a new author that just clicks.

Thanks for sharing.

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