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Walter C.

good read


^Yes, I agree, a very good read! You paint your boredom well.


Wow. I always thought that I would enjoy touring the rest of the world. A year off to do it in sounded like heaven. But the stories you guys tell of dead bodies in rivers, endless scores of impoverished people begging and sleeping in the streets...well, it's given me pause. I'm so glad you guys are sharing this trip with us. I've been following your story ever since your picture started popping up in Sarah's moblog :-)


You know, if you wrote this as a book, I'm sure it would sell! I know I'd buy a copy or two!!

Have fun, be safe.


Wow, I agree with all of you, good read and perhaps could be a book. I really do like your style of writing. I can name all 50 states :) But there are plenty of people in this little part of Texas they can't, it's really sad when people from this country can't do such simple things. I don't have anything personal against cows, but those people need to grow up and get over their irrational beliefs and cleam things up, it's crazy.



Wow John, intolerant much? I bet you believe that a woman can give birth with out having sex. Insane!


great post brendan. reminds me that 90% of traveling is actually moments like these, and not lounging on the beach with glassy waves rolling off into the distance. whenever you get back from a trip, it's the good moments you want to return to, and these "waiting for the train at 4am" that we seem to forget.


I am really enjoying your experience travelling. I can visually visualize what you are painting with the words that you use and how you use them. Thanks Brandan.


"George Micheal?"

That gave me a good laugh.

Travel days suck. hey?


Note to self: Don't kiss Brendan's hand if I ever meet him. :)

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